NOTE: I am a fan of 30-day challenges, and November is traditionally a time of two: National Novel Writing Month, and 30 Days of Thanks. As I am not a fiction writer, this year I have chosen to publish a daily blog for the entire month, expressing my gratitude. This may not be entirely food-focused, but expect recipes aplenty. Feel free to join me in the comments below. What are you thankful for today?
Today Khristian and I drove north for two hours to visit my grandmother, Irene Kalman.
The one who steals fruit from her nursing home.

The one who turned 98 on Monday and is every bit as spry in the brain (if not more) as your average 60-year-old.
I try to see her at least once a month, as I am not sure how many more of these visits we will have, and I wanted her to meet Khristian.
Today, I am grateful for Irene Kalman and the things I have learned from her.
Every month, we talk about the Great Depression, politics, old people, assisted living activities, and her health. She sighs a lot but doesn’t complain much, asks if I am making money, and sends me home with a bag full of purloined apples, oranges, and the occasional banana.
She is my living history, and I am so grateful to have recognized that before it was too late.
What are you grateful for today?