NOTE: I am a fan of 30-day challenges, and November is traditionally a time of two: National Novel Writing Month, and 30 Days of Thanks. As I am not a fiction writer, this year I have chosen to publish a daily blog for the entire month, expressing my gratitude. This may not be entirely food-focused, but expect recipes aplenty. Feel free to join me in the comments below. What are you thankful for today?

Today I am grateful for people who express their gratitude, openly and generously.
I realize as I write this that this will be the third post I have written this month about cooking for other people and my gratitude surrounding that.
I can’t help it. Y’all are the bee’s knees, and this picture of a first-time customer’s first meal from me, posted on The Facebook along with sweet words, just warm me and make the effort and thought and attention and love I put into shopping and prepping and cooking and delivering all worth it.
Another friend and customer from the very beginning gave me a bottle of olive oil when I delivered her dinner tonight; she saw it when she was shopping and felt like I would appreciate it.
With friends like that, it’s hard to not be grateful.
What are you grateful for today?