In which I skip out on Instagram and Facebook for the month of March but still allow myself the internet.

It’s my birthday today.
I am one of the wateriest of the Pisces fishes, my birthday coming as it does in the last week of the last sign of the zodiac. I am all of the intensely good things about the Fish and all of the intensely not-so-good things (it’s true).
I love my sign. It’s potentially one of the more annoying things about me, so I try to keep it under wraps to prevent that – except on my birthday. I share the day with Albert Einstein and imagine we have tons in common, and it’s also
Side note: The Child’s birthday is May the Fourth, arguably the second nerdiest birthday of the year. Possibly the first nerdiest.
Yesterday at acupuncture I found out that my heart is excessively warm – the source of anxiety and insomnia and all of the other wicked things that have been swirling around me lately. My lovely yoga teacher and acupuncturist, Martha Rogers, advised oat straw tea and more water both inside and out, which makes sense.
She also said that coffee exacerbated the heat, which is just too bad because my coffee consumption is minimal and a joyous thing and a public service. I am doing it for you people.
I can think of maybe worse things than to be warm-hearted. But as I officially enter my late 40s, I find myself drawn to soothing, deep practices and flowing water.
So today I will take advantage of the sunshine and go for a walk near water, then to a bookstore, and certainly home for a nap at some point. There will be no dogs in my day, thankfully, and dinner at Alma Cocina Latina tonight with my sweetest love.
I want to take this small moment to offer gratitude to the universe and to all of my people inside of it. I am grateful every day for the wonder and kindness of the people I love and who love me back. Without you, the world would be a small and lonely place indeed. <3