Now back at home from Casa Weeks, alone in my studio with the kitty and the inexplicable hum of 83, which has heretofore been mostly silent, the one thing I keep coming back to is nature.
I have the deepest urge to plant something. It’s a deeply hopeful act – shoving a tiny seed into wet, dark soil, believing that it will rise its face to the sun over weeks or months.
Meister Eckhart said, “What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.”
This dovetails nicely with yesterday’s urge to slow down, be still, reflect.
So I will head to Falkenhan’s in Hampden to pick up some spinach and mixed greens, maybe radish, which I don’t love but which comes up very quickly and gives nearly instant gratification – a comfort always but especially right now.
What are you planting these days – literally or metaphorically?