The title is a reference to a lil’ childhood ditty that I am not sure everyone (anyone?) knows:
Teeter totter, bread and water, wash your face in dirty water.
I think one of the most challenging parts of Pandemic 2020 is the up-and-down nature of it.
How easy it is to be laughing at an episode of Seinfeld or out walking on a gorgeous day and forget for a moment what’s going on in the world before it all comes crashing back in.
Or to wake up feeling mentally/emotionally terrible, have a little boost mid-day, feel once again like shit, then fall asleep thinking that maybe things will be made clearer in the morning.
It’s like the entire world is a 15-year-old and our hormones are out of control. I’d like to see a data visualization of the posts on social media – I would be willing to bet that there is some correspondence to the general mood of the world/nation that follows this fluctuation.
That’s all. I am writing this post from bed Sunday night, eating my dinner, as pictured above, minus the beef stick that I ate because protein, people.
Many people have been fretting about what to eat, what to watch, and what to do. Here are 45 things to do that don’t involve a screen, and new movies streaming from Universal Pictures if you just want to veg for a bit (since the movie theaters are closed anyway). Monday I am going to make kumquat ice cream with almond brittle, and maybe finally recipe test two recipes I have been developing since February.
Some mornings I wake up rarin’ to go do allofthethings, and then that goes out the window and I sloth around the house for a couple hours.
How’s your up-and-down?