For you, on this Earth Day, a reminder:
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.
There are two sides of me warring inside as we continue with this pandemic, even as the earth’s skies clear and waters teem again with fish.
The first, as familiar as my favorite pair of jeans (which now have a rip and look terrible on me BUT I DON’T CARE), believes that we will not learn, that we will go on destroying the planet and each other. Because we are selfish, meminemy people who would not seize a learning opportunity if it slapped us in the face. We want what we want, come hell or highwater. #HellIsOtherPeople #Irony
The second side, odd but somehow also something I recognize, has hope that perhaps things might be different. That this situation will somehow show people the real way, the way of kindness and love. The only way that is actually sustainable.
And then Florida shows up. And Georgia. And South Carolina. Sigh.
As ever, be kind. Wash your hands. Love each other.