This week’s Links to Love, friends. I hope you are ignoring the idiot-in-chief’s stupid plans to re-open the country without any plans for widespread testing and no real hope of a vaccination. Please stay safe – stay home.
That said, as always, take what you need from this week’s links and ignore the rest.
“The best way to treat the common cold is with contempt“: only one thing actually works to treat the common cold, and it’s probably not what you think.
I am thinking that these sculptures look how time feels right now.
“Quarantine cooking”: since we are not actually under quarantine, this is a misnomer, but ti’s not going to stop me from making this roasted beet dip with Aleppo pepper crackers. Beets are especially delicious this time of year, and I am here for it.
And I may have missed making these buffalo and bleu deviled eggs for Easter, but since I don’t celebrate Easter it doesn’t really matter. Anything deviled surrounding an organized religion makes me laugh, and although I am not generally a fan of deviled eggs, these are delicious. 10/10 would recommend.
Everybody keeps talking about how much our dogs are going to miss us, but what about cats? I think they are eyeing us with contempt, coming so late as we are to operating on cat time.
Finally, maybe we can take this time to experience some post-traumatic growth. The linked article from The New York Times posits that it’s not the Pollyannas who make it through adversity with no lingering effects – it’s those who take a tragically optimistic outlook. The recommendation by an overwhelming majority of researchers who study this topic of resilience suggests that looking for meaning – not happiness, and especially not happiness via consumer goods – is the way through this pandemic.
How’s your outlook this week?