We’re gonna go ahead and start this party with a little bit of shirtless Prince at his live birthday show in Detroit in 1986. If I am honest, as I always try to be, I will say that I was not the rabid Prince fan that many of my friends were. HOWEVER. You cannot argue that this man was incredibly talented and his loss left a gaping hole. Plus, his shows are fun to watch. So enjoy.
I know – I am supposed to write some intriguing words about each of the links, but this one doesn’t need it. It’s a simple little story about a Korean author ordering noodles from a local shop in New York. Touching and beautiful and hopeful all at once. Also, it may have influenced me in making the customizable noodle bowls pictured above. The recipe is from Nadiya Hussein’s somewhat saccharine but nevertheless charming Netflix show.
Sigh. Following up on that is arguably the dumbest argument happening on the internet, and that’s saying a lot. There is some backlash about the trend of long stories prior to recipes online. If you have read any of the recipes on this blog, you can pretty much guess where I land on this non-controversy. But what do you think? Do you like a long, personal story before the recipe, or do you prefer a simple headnote and then the recipe?
And ending on a low note, which I don’t like to do but sometimes it BEES that way, here’s a depressing AF article about how many small farms are going under by the end of 2020. Our food system is sick, and small farmers are taking a huge hit. Dan Barber, chef at Blue Hill at Stone Barns in New York discusses why this is and what we might do to muddle through.
All that to say, for now, STAY THE FUCK HOME. Cases are slowing because IT’S WORKING. If we can not be toddlers about this, maybe we can actually prevent some illness and death. Is that shirt you’re fingering on the rack worth your grandma’s life? How about that cocktail on a rooftop deck?
Stay home. Be kind. Wash your hands.