It’s Election Day, 2020, and things couldn’t be more uncertain. The only thing that is crystal clear is that this day is going to last longer than 24 hours – Maryland alone has until DECEMBER 8 to count all of its votes.
So it’s crucial to mind our central nervous systems and practice some deep self-care. These are my plans for today and the rest of the week:
I have deleted the Instagram app on my phone for the next few days.
I will take a daily walk in the woods.
I have already done an hour of yoga (and will do an hour of yoga every morning).
I am on a technology fast for 12 hours a day, every day, in perpetuity.
I am planning on cooking deeply comforting foods today: crispy quinoa, African* peanut stew, and an apple galette. Tonight I will have pizza, my favorite.
I have selected a non-election-related documentary (Spaceship Earth) for election night and am busy lining up more for the rest of the week.
On Election Day 2020 I am reading Thanks A Thousand: A Gratitude Journey by my cousin A.J. Jacobs.
I am checking in with my people.
There is no certainty in the outcome of this election, and when that is the case the whole world seems to be tilted sideways. Add to this the crazy wind (blowing in some change? Is it a metaphor?) and the end of Mercury in retrograde (but still in restroshade for two weeks) and things are bound to feel unsettled.
How will you care for yourself on this day? What do you need, and how can I help?