In which I skip out on Instagram and Facebook for the month of March but still allow myself the internet.
Just one hour in: onion, garlic, tomatoes, S&P. Sunday gravy.
Day 3: I need to test out a few recipes for a painting retreat I am cooking for in June, and a chilly day when more snow is in the forecast is as good a day as any.
Today is Sunday gravy with vegetarian meatballs (quinoa and cauliflower).
First I make Mark Bittman’s quick and easy waffles (literally the best ever, only I use my gluten-free flour blend and don’t warm up the waffle iron until the batter is mixed. This gives the batter some time to consider its thoughts and results in light, crispy waffles. Today I also used plain kefir and heavy cream, plus a little extra milk. The recipe is super forgiving. Give it a try) and eat the first two off the iron with Archer Farms maple syrup.
Pro tip: Khristian’s uncle Joe worked in the maple syrup industry in Vermont for his whole life and told us that Target’s maple syrup is the highest quality out there. This is NOT a sponsored post. I don’t do those. Just a PSA for the three people who routinely read this blog.
While I am cooking the remaining waffles, I chop onion and garlic and sweat those in olive oil before adding six cans of diced tomatoes. This will cook until it’s ready. Meatballs were made a month ago and have been frozen. When it’s time, they will finish cooking in the gravy, and I will serve them over penne, because that’s what Khristian prefers, and he’s my guinea pig today.
The house is warm and delicious-smelling, and my mind feels uncluttered by electronic noise. Again, I feel like this might be the honeymoon period, but I feel lighter. If this continues, I may make it permanent.
As ever, comment below if you want to talk. And thanks for following along. <3
Things fall apart in the fall. It is the season of death and decay and the gradual fading of the light (fall back on Saturday, November 3rd. Take the country back Tuesday, November 6th).
It is also a time of powerful transformation and intention setting and a season of acceptance that comes after grief in the face of extraordinary change.
This is clearly reflected in nature. Leaves litter the sidewalks and the grass wears a morning tiara of sparkling frost that melts away with the rising sun.
In the garden, overgrown green turns spindly and the last vestiges of fruit struggle to hang on the vine. This is the last call for the summer garden – last call to bring in any kind of harvest before the sun barely crests the horizon and night falls before dinnertime.
Green tomatoes are a unique by-product of the scraggly fall garden. Tart and bright, they are everything you need when the light dims.
Here, two recipes: Green Tomato Chow-Chow and Roasted Green Tomato Soup. The former a staple in the south, the latter a bright ray of sunshine in a darkening fall kitchen. If these don’t do it for you, give last year’s ode to fall a whirl. You can’t go wrong with any of these.
Green Tomato Chow-Chow
Use this uniquely southern condiment on greens, black-eyed peas, pork chops, chicken, BBQ sandwiches, and in salad dressing (or stir it into the soup that follows). Add finely chopped white cabbage if you like. This recipe scales up easily and can be canned for winter time. This particular recipe makes one pint.
Dice the green tomatoes, Thai chili, onion, and celery. Place in a glass bowl and add salt. Stir, then cover with plastic wrap and let sit, at least four hours but preferably overnight.
Place a mesh sieve over a bowl and strain the vegetables, reserving the liquid. Pack vegetables in a pint jar. Measure spices and place on top of the vegetables.
Heat sugar, vinegar, and a 1/4 cup of the reserved tomato liquid in a heavy saucepan until sugar dissolves. Let cool slightly, then pour over vegetables. Let cool to room temperature on the counter, then refrigerate. Only gets better as it sits, but unless you preserve it, eat in a month or less.
Roasted Green Tomato Soup
This soup is quite accidental and made from the bits and bobs of my CSA, herbs grown on my porch, and stock made from vegetable peelings from the summer. This particular batch of stock featured corn cobs and fresh fennel, both delicate, subtle flavors that actually manage to lift the soup to a whole other level. Roasting the tomatoes and caramelizing the onions coax the last bit of summer’s sweetness from both. As with its red brethren, this soup goes well with a buttery, gooey grilled cheese.
2 pounds green tomatoes, cut into quarters for roasting
Olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 medium onion, diced
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
3 cups vegetable stock
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups arugula (ish)
Optional garnish: thinly sliced scallions
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Toss green tomatoes and whole garlic cloves in olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 40 minutes.
In a large stockpot, heat another two tablespoons of olive oil. Add onion and cook on medium-low until caramelized (around 30 minutes, so start these when you put the tomatoes in the oven).
Add roasted tomatoes and garlic and stir to combine. Add fresh thyme, salt, and pepper and cook for two minutes. Add stock and arugula. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 to 15 minutes.
Use an immersion blender (or regular blender) to puree the soup until smooth.
The Child graduates tomorrow. Specifically, this child:
Baby Sis, couldn’t be more than three here.
She was born two weeks late, big blue eyes wide open. She had a full mop of black hair that she never lost, and from the moment she was born I was utterly in love. I had no idea.
She is a badass, a sensitive soul with an iron will. She is funny and gorgeous and loving and kind and sometimes a total PITA.
A whole lifetime ago as Yogi, with a pop-to-pop ofless than three seconds at the end of her career. She knows what that means.
She procrastinates like her mother and is stubborn like her father. She is loyal and compassionate and a very good friend to her friends.
Their last Father’s Day in 2012. She had $12, so she paid for three $1 tickets to take the family to see the Orioles beat the Atlanta Braves in Atlanta, with enough left over to buy her dad a beer.
She loved her father and was devoted to him. This is the first major milestone he will miss, and I can’t say too much about that because it’s too hard already and I have to finish this very important post.
Sicily and I have been joking about it, though, saying she is a first-generation high school graduate, which is technically true because both her father and I could not quite make it across the stage. This ridiculous joke lightens things up a bit.
Because this child loves to laugh. She is a joyful human being.
France, avec le chien.
So on this, the week of her high school graduation, I have compiled some advice. Sicily and I have an odd relationship in that when I offer her advice, sometimes she takes it.
Shocking, but true. #SmartGirl
I don’t expect this trend to continue; I fully expect her to blaze a path of her own mistakes, hopefully learning as she goes.
Some of this advice is practical; some is philosophical.
(side note: much of this applies to adults who have been out of high school for a long time. #TheMoreYouKnow)
You deserve to be here. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. You have been humble about your achievements, quietly going about building a tiny house, giving two TEDTalks, and living abroad in your junior year. These are the experiences that make you who you are. Own them.
Also, own your shit.
You will mess many, many things up for the whole of your life. Take responsibility. Don’t make excuses about why you fucked it up – apologize, see if you can make it right, do what you can, and try hard not to make the same mistake again. Be humble and truly apologetic, then make amends and move on.
Allow yourself to be vulnerable
You have already experienced breathtaking, devastating pain with the death of your father. It will not be the last time. This is just how things go in this one life we know about. It is a raging cliché to say that the pain is worth it, but my goodness. It totally is. Show your true self to the people who deserve to see it to get at the equally achingly beautiful parts of life.
Work hard
It’s not enough to envision your life. Go get it. Work for what you want. Yeah, sometimes it’s nice to get things handed to you, but there is value in hard, effort-filled, productive work. One of the best times of my life was working for a tree service in Colorado in August. I spent eight hours a day in 95+-degree weather, bucking downed trees and shoving them into the chipper. Every day I left the job with a salt ring at my hairline, and every night I left the bathtub with a dirt ring around the rim. Some days you have to put your head down and do it. Be grateful in your work – that you have it, and that you have the body and will to do it.
Design your own life
There is no rule that you have to buy a house, get married, have a dog, have babies, keep a full-time office job. This fits for a lot of people, but it’s not the law. You do not have to squeeze yourself into anyone’s idea of your life, not even mine. Life is crazy in that you have all the time in the world and none at all, concurrently, so make every effort to figure out what it is you want this journey to be like, then move towards that as you can. It will probably not be a straight line, and it certainly won’t be easy, but it will, in the end, be all yours. Enjoy the search – the terror, the joy, the struggle, the triumph, the failure – just as much as the finding.
Brush your goddamn teeth.
You will regret it if you don’t.
Know your worth
You deserve people who appreciate you and understand your value. I know you have that little voice in your head that sometimes says you aren’t worth it or you’re not good enough or who cares what you think. That voice has no idea what it’s talking about. Remind it, and yourself, that you are worthy, as many times as you need to, to get that voice to STFU.
Always have some cash
Speaking of worth, make sure you always have a little cash. It needn’t be much. Twenty bucks in various bills is usually good for most anything – tipping, helping someone out, getting yourself out of a place you don’t want to be, buying a meal for someone who needs it, buying a cup of lemonade from a sidewalk stand.
ALWAYS buy a cup of lemonade from a sidewalk stand
No matter how much it costs.
Get sweaty every day
I can’t believe I actually agree with Matthew McConaughey. He advocates breaking a sweat every day. Not a nervous poodle type of way, but as a move-your-body-daily type of way. This is rock solid advice from someone who may be a little more than slightly off his rocker (#Shirtless Bongos). Exercise also falls into the excellent advice provided by another slightly crazy creative person:
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. – Isak Dinesen”
Movement helps nearly everything that hurts.
Don’t be The Giving Tree
You know that book about the tree that gives everything to that selfish little boy who just takes and takes and never gives anything back? Yeah, don’t be that tree. That tree is loving and gives every scrap of itself to a person who has no respect and no boundaries for the tree and its basic needs for survival. Every time I read it I keep hoping in the end that the little boy/old man has some revelation about what a selfish jackass he has been, but it never happens. Giving selflessly is a beautiful thing – giving foolishly is not. Learn the difference.
Stay in touch with the people you love, even if they don’t stay in touch with you
Letters are a lost art. Send one every now and then, even if you know you won’t get one in return. Get a small pack of blank notes, and send one out to someone when the urge strikes. You would be surprised at how good this makes people feel.
Send thank you notes
Even to people who interview you for a job. Really. Take five minutes to acknowledge a gift, a small effort, someone’s time. Emails and texts don’t cut it. Just use the blank cards you bought and be sincere. We don’t express gratitude nearly enough. Make this the hill you die on – being grateful.
Have one impressive meal you can serve in a pinch
Well, it is a food blog, after all, so there has to be at least one food-related piece of advice. Feeding people should not be crazy-making. Sometimes you want to make something effortless that every single person will love, something that is so delicious that people request it when they visit. This week Aunt Karlene is in town for graduation, and she has requested “that tomato pasta” for the night they arrive.
I wish this was my recipe, but it totally is not. “That tomato pasta” comes from the original Silver Palate Cookbook, and it is my rock-solid, company’s-coming summer go-to. You mix basil, brie, olive oil, and tomatoes in a big serving bowl in the morning, and then when it’s dinner time you boil up a mess of linguine and mix them in with the basil, brie, olive oil, and tomatoes. The cheese melts, the tomatoes warm, and the basil releases its beautiful fragrance over the whole table. I use gluten-free noodles for myself, and if I am feeling ambitious I might make a gluten-free baguette. Add a huge green salad and dinner is served.
My sweetest girl, on this Monday before you move into the next phase of life: I love you. I am proud of you. Congratulations.
Linguine With Tomatoes And Basil
4 large ripe tomatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 pound Brie, rind removed, torn into irregular pieces
1 cup fresh basil leaves, rinsed, patted dry, and cut into strips
3 garlic cloves, peeled and finely minced
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon best-quality olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt, plus additional to taste
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 pounds linguine
1. At least 2 hours before serving, combine the tomatoes, Brie, basil, garlic, the 1 cup olive oil, and 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper in a large bowl.
2. Bring 6 quarts salted water to a boil in a large pot. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil and the linguine, and boil until tender but still firm, 8-10 minutes.
3. Drain the pasta and immediately toss with the tomato sauce. Serve at once, passing the pepper mill, and the grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese if you like.
What advice do you wish you had received as a high school graduate?